Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Propp Theory

Apocalypto does follow the stereotypical roles in a movie. There is a hero, villian, princess etc.
  • Hero: Jaguar Paw is the hero in this movie as he is taken from his village and has to fight his way back to save his family. This role is typically filled by men which has been backed up by this movie as Jaguar Paw, a male is playing the hero role.
  • Villian: The villian in this movie is the whole of the Mayan Kingdom as they are the ones who invade Jaguar Paw's village taking all of them slaves.
  • The Magical Helper: The magical helper in this movie is Jaguar Paw's Brother as he is the one that takes a knife to the chest so that Jaguar Paw can carry on running from the Mayan Kingdom to go save his family.
  • Princess: Jaguar Paw's wife as she is put in a hole but Jaguar Paw and is waiting to be saved by him as he makes his escape.

Ideologies in Apocalypto

Apocalypto is a film with many ideologies scattered throughout. The following ideologies are included in Apocalypto:
  • Patriarchy: Partiarchy is the main ideology that has been implemented in the movie. The consistent shots that glamourise the males dominance of females reinforces the ideology throughout. The various long shots of the male speaking over the whole of kingdom certainly backs up the point of patriarchy existing in this movie. Another way patriarchal ideology is reinforced is by women having to play the traditional role of playing the housewife while the men go out and hunt for the food playing the "mans" role.
  • Masculism: Masculism is another ideology which has been identified in Apocalypto. This ideology is basically referring to the belief that men should be the dominant ones. This ideology is reinforced throughout the movie. One of the major areas where it is reinforced are the fighting scenes. Majority of the time men are fighting each other to save the village while women are helpless and screaming. Alongside that, the women are also being manhandled by the men as they are dragged from their husbands and in some cases are raped. These are few of the scenes which help identify the ideology of masculism being implemented in the movie.

Friday, 7 November 2008

Del.ici.ous Links

http://www.imdb.com/ - This website can be used as it has information about my movie stating the sales it has generated, what genre type, key characters etc. All this information can be added in my final essay.

http://www.cultsock.ndirect.co.uk/MUHome/cshtml/index.html - This website has information about key theorists that link to media therefore, I can use the information about the theorists in my essay.

http://faculty.pittstate.edu/~knichols/colonial2.html#terms - Another website that has information about theorists and historial and cultural contexts. This historical and cultural contexts can be used in my essay as Apocalypto may follow some of the stereotypes from those times.

http://www.totalfilm.com/ - An online magazine which tells you about the latest magazines. This website is very useful as it gives information about the directors and characters of Apocalypto which can be included in the essay.

http://www.empireonline.com/ - Empire Magazine's online website. This website gives useful information about the background of Apocalypto and also a review.

http://uk.rottentomatoes.com/ - Website has a huge film database including information of Apocalypto which can be included in my final essay.

http://www.jahsonic.com/2006Feb.html - Website that has definitions of media key words and also has information about theorists. This information can be included in my essay.

http://marlowmedia.co.uk/ - Helps with the coursework by giving key links to websites that may help you with ur independent study.

http://www.katpad.co.uk/media%20website%202000/index.html - This website gives a guideline of what to include in the essay and how many words it should be. Very useful for when I am going to write my essay.

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Media Dictionary Words

Action Code - This media dictionary word is very useful as the actual definition relates to the narrative structure of Apocalypto therefore, it can be used in my independent study.

Adventure Film - Adventure Film is a genre that Apocalypto uses as Jaguar Paw's village is kidnap and taken far away from home and he has to come back to save his family making him fight through many exciting challenges. From this it is seen that there is a clear link and the media dictionary word can be used in my independent study.

Disequilibrium - Disequilibrium is also included in Apocalypto as the villagers are kidnapped therefore, it can be used in the independent study.

Ellipsis - Ellipsis can be used in my independent study as in Apocalypto there are certain elements which of a normal action narrative structure that have been taken out to speed up the action.

Equilibrium - This media dictionary word can be used in my independent study as the start of the movie sees the village as a peaceful and harmonious village which then are disrupted by the Myrad Kingdom.

Hybrid - Hybrid genre links to my independent study movie, Apocalypto as Apocalypto is a cross between Action, Drama and Adventure.

Patriarchy - Another key word which can be included in my independent study as there are many scenes where the male are dominating the women which brings up the ideology of a patriarchal society.

Protagonist - One of main keywords as there are protagonists in almost every movie in the case of Apocalypto it is Jaguar Paw. This word can definitely be included in my independent study.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Media Dictionary Words

Action Code - A narrative structure based on a dramatic sequence of events, often leading to a violent resolution.

Adventure Film - A film genre in which the characters are placed in an exciting and often dangerous location far away from home.

Disequilibrium : The disruption of narrative by persons or events presenting a challenge to the harmonious equilibrium often found at the beginning of a film or other media text.

Ellipsis - The removal or shortening of elements of a narrative to speed up the action.

Equilibrium: The harmonious state that often exists at the start of a narrative before disruptive or transforming elements are introduced.

Hybrid - A cross between one film genre and another

Patriarchy - Male domination of the political, cultural and socioeconomic system.

Protagonist - The leading character or hero in a film with whom the audience can identify and from whose point of view the action is positioned, often set in binary opposition against the antagonist.