Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Ideologies in Apocalypto

Apocalypto is a film with many ideologies scattered throughout. The following ideologies are included in Apocalypto:
  • Patriarchy: Partiarchy is the main ideology that has been implemented in the movie. The consistent shots that glamourise the males dominance of females reinforces the ideology throughout. The various long shots of the male speaking over the whole of kingdom certainly backs up the point of patriarchy existing in this movie. Another way patriarchal ideology is reinforced is by women having to play the traditional role of playing the housewife while the men go out and hunt for the food playing the "mans" role.
  • Masculism: Masculism is another ideology which has been identified in Apocalypto. This ideology is basically referring to the belief that men should be the dominant ones. This ideology is reinforced throughout the movie. One of the major areas where it is reinforced are the fighting scenes. Majority of the time men are fighting each other to save the village while women are helpless and screaming. Alongside that, the women are also being manhandled by the men as they are dragged from their husbands and in some cases are raped. These are few of the scenes which help identify the ideology of masculism being implemented in the movie.

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